Mariana-Cristina POPESCU, Mariana IOSIFARU, Glass vessels discovered in Dacian Buridava [PDF]
Daniel SPÂNU, Reconstruction of the pre-Roman tumulus: "Movila cu pietre" in Poiana [PDF]
Wolfram HOEPFNER, Die Propyläen ein Hekatompedos [PDF]
Sascha KANSTEINER, Kopf einer Statue der Aphrodite [PDF]
Monica MĂRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, De l'architecture dorique Héllénistique à Callatis [PDF]
Cristina-Georgeta ALEXANDRESCU, Napoléon III et les fortifications romaines du Bas Danube - le cas de Troesmis [PDF]
Adriana PANAITE, Milestones indicating distances from Moesia Inferior [PDF]
Despina MĂGUREANU, Pamfil Polonic and the dawn of Romanian archaeological cartography [PDF]
Medieval heritage from Târgşoru Vechi. An archaeological overview of 50 years of research [PDF]
Szabó TEKLA, The Gothic style frescoes beneath the western gallery of the church of Sântămărie-Orlea [PDF]
Letiția COSNEAN, The Bolyai noble court. An Early Modern noble residence [PDF]
Constantin Bogdan STANCIU, Key aspects for the dating of "Saint Nicholas" Church located in the village Izvoru de Sus, Argeş County [PDF]
Petru MORTU, The Great Inns of Bucharest. Changed shapes, lost images [PDF]
Ioana Maria PETRESCU, L'auberge Hagi Tudorache ou l'auberge Gabroveni? Elements pour eclaircir une histoire confuse [PDF]
Radu-Alexandru DRAGOMAN, Ruins of the Second World War, archeology and memory: on the cultural heritage management policy in post-communist Romania [PDF]
Ștefan BÂLICI, Roşia Montană. An overview on the question of cultural heritage [PDF]
Radu-Alexandru DRAGOMAN, The Gold of the Apuseni exhibition: about the enhancement of the industrial heritage of Roşia Montană (Romania) [PDF]
Radu-Alexandru DRAGOMAN, A material culture perspective on the capitalization of Roşia Montană architectural heritage (Romania) by the Roşia Montană Gold Corporation [PDF]
Dan MOHANU, Ioana GOMOIU, Ana CHIRICUȚĂ, The saving of the wooden church of Urși in a new posture: the inter-disciplinary research, planning and conservation [PDF]
Ştefan BÂLICI, Cultural heritage education and training: the ARA Field Schools [PDF]
Iulian Bîrzescu, Die archaischen und frühklassischen Transportamphoren. Histria XV, Bucureşti, 2012 (Valeriu BANARU)
Livia Buzoianu, Maria Bărbulescu, Tomis. Comentariu istoric şi arheologic/Historical and Archaeological Commentary, Constanţa, 2012 (Adriana PANAITE)
286 pages
black and white, colour print
English, French, German, abstracts in English, French, German and Romanian
ISSN: 2068-0686