Alina IANCU, Georgiana DINU, Bianca GRIGORAȘ (Institutul Național al Patrimoniului, Bucureşti, România)

Processing the Romanian Chronicle of Archaeological Research Database – challenges and outcome


The Romanian Chronicle of Archaeological Research is an annual publication edited by the National Institute of Heritage of Romania, which encompasses all the field studies carried out in the year, in the form of individual technical reports. The publication is accompanied by an open database that is maintained and updated by specialists of the Institute.

Even if the reports are not fully comprehensive regarding the excavations, they may offer important details about the sites and objects discovered and their archaeological contexts, prior to their official publication in academic papers. 

This presentation will cover the process of updating the online database with information from the latest archaeological reports, as they are summarised by the members of each research team. This may include the correction of possible inaccuracies regarding the identification data of the archaeological sites, such as their individual numerical code in the National Archaeological Repertory database, or refinement of other information about the sites.

In addition, fieldwork reports can lead to new entries in the Repertory database, enriching at the same time the Cartographic Server for National Cultural Heritage.