Alla BUJSKIKH, Late-Archaic temple architecture in Olbia Pontica: an evidence of roof tiles and architectural terracotta [preview ]
Monica MĂRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, Le trésor de Siphnos à Delphes, une géométrie en pierre ? Corollaire metrologiques [preview]
Vasilica LUNGU, Attic black-figure pottery at Tomis: the haimon painter's cup-skyphoi [preview]
Mariana-Cristina POPESCU, Glass vessels from the Dacian settlement from Mereşti, Dâmbul Pipaşilor [preview]
Maria ALEXANDRESCU-VIANU, Ateliers de sculpture dans la Mésie Inférieure. Les relations avec la Bithynie [preview]
Maria ALEXANDRESCU VIANU, La pénétration des premiers éléments de culture romaine à Tomis [preview]
Corina TOMA, The coin hoard found at Sânnicolau Român (Bihor county). Relationship between Medieșu Aurit and Toc-Chereluș coin-types [preview]
Corneliu Bogdan Nicolae BELDIANU, Triumphal arches from Lower Moesia [preview]
Radu-Alexandru DRAGOMAN, Sorin OANŢĂ-MARGHITU and Tiberiu VASILESCU, Contributuion to an archaeology of the Ottoman heritage in Romania: The Muslim cemetery in Lanurile (Dobruja) [preview]
Ileana MOHANU, Dan MOHANU, The conservation of the mural "epidermis" of historical monuments. Methodological benchmarks [preview]
NOTES AND DISCUSSIONSRadu-Alexandru DRAGOMAN, After the protests: comments on contemporary Romanian archaeology in the light of the Roșia Montană case [preview]
176 pages
black and white, colour print
English, French, abstracts in English, French and Romanian
ISSN: 2068-0686
50 lei