Over 8600 architects from more than 120 countries gathered in Turin, Italy, from June 30 to July 6, at the XXIII World Congress of Architecture, organized by the International Union of Architects (UIA). The theme of this edition of the congress - Transmitting Architecture - led to wide debate regarding the message of architecture in its cultural dimension, the involving of architectural creation in the horizon of cultural heritage, the protection of the elements which make this heritage.
The Association ARA, through the architects Virgil Apostol and Ştefan Bâlici, presented, at the invitation of the Romanian Chamber of Architects (OAR), the case of Roşia Montană, so relevant for the theme of the congress through the complexity and gravity of the problems the survival of this site faces.
At the end of the congress, the General Assembly of UIA adopted with energy and empathy the resolution put forth by Romania's delegation. By this resolution, The International Union of Architects requires the Romanian authorities and the international community to save the site of Roşia Montană, to initiate the due procedures for inscribing the site in the World Heritage List and to revise local and regional development policies starting from the exceptional cultural and natural heritage of the place, viewed as resource for a real sustainable development.
You will find the text of the resolution further.
Dr. Monica Mărgineanu Cârstoiu,
Scientific Researcher I at „Vasile Pârvan" Institute of Archaeology
of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
President of ARA
Alburnus Maior - Roşia Montană, Romania
A cultural site of utmost importance under threat from open-cast mining development
Conscious of the responsibility the architects bear for the harmonious and sustainable development of communities, for the well being of people which make them,
Engaged in strengthening local, regional and larger identities through the protection of cultural landscapes and, generally, through cultural heritage as essential resource for a coherent and prosperous future of communities,
Recalling the principles of all ICOMOS and UNESCO's conventions, recommendations, declarations and charters for the protection of cultural heritage,
Viewing the strong international scientific and moral support to preserving the unique cultural heritage of Roşia Montană, form a wide range of institutions and organizations - such as the Romanian Academy, the Churches of Romania, ICOMOS, Europa Nostra and many others,
Taking into account the repeated resolutions of ICOMOS, adopted by the General Assembly at its past three meetings, held at Madrid - Spain (2002), Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe (2003) and Xi'an - China (2005); the resolution of the ICOMOS Conference, held in Pecs, Hungary (May 2004); the ICAHM Statement on the mining concept at Roşia Montană in Lyon, France (September 2004)
With reference to the resolution regarding the site of Alburnus Maior - Roşia Montană adopted in Bucharest, June 28 2007, by UIA and CEA together with the Romanian professional bodies - OAR, UAR and the University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu" of Bucharest,
Affirming the exceptional value of the historic site of Alburnus Maior - Roşia Montană, cultural landscape defined by the overlapping of the vestiges belonging to one of the most important systems of mining galleries of the Roman world, continuously extended during the medieval and modern times and the vestiges of hydro technical systems and of the traditional mining town,
In front of the mining project initiated by Roşia Montană Gold Corporation, the effect of which would be, after an intensive operation of no more than a decade, the disappearance of nearly all the valuable, unique, resources of the area - the cultural and natural heritage of the site of Roşia Montană,
Considering the extensive demolition campaign pursued by the mining company, leading to irrecoverable loss to the site's diversity and relevance,
We, the participants to the XXIII UIA World Congress in Torino, Italy,
Ask the Romanian Authorities and the international community for:
1. The immediate arrestment of all demolition and construction activity within the site of Roşia Montană, excepting conservation works, until a new strategy and urban regulation for the area is adopted
2. The revision of local and regional policies according to the principles of sustainable development, starting from a vision oriented to the future and to the long term interest of the inhabitants and the communities, based on the exceptional natural and cultural resources of the site of Roşia Montană;
3. The initiation of due procedures for inscribing the site of Roşia Montană on UNESCO's World Heritage List;
4. The protection of the site according to the specific national and international law.
Torino, July 4 2008